Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fruit Pizza

Another summer fav: Fruit Pizza
The first time I ever made this, I totally ruined the dough. My cute boyfriend at the time(hubby now) showed superior cooking skills and told me the 2 1/2 C. flour was indeed that and not two half cups of flour (yes- that equaling one total cup of flour). Lucky for him I have gotten better at cooking, and can read a recipe now.
I made individual pizzas this time. You can make a big one and cook it on your pizza stone, or use your cookie cutter and make small ones. The small ones were fun because I could give them away!!
Crust: Use this sugar cookie recipe.
Filling: Mix 8oz. softened cream cheese with 1/2 C. sugar and 2 t. clear vanilla- mix until light
Toppings: Whatever assortment of fruit you desire. I used strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, kiwi and bananas. I have also used peaches and mandarin oranges.
Let the cookies cool and then top them with filling and fruit!

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